Monday, July 18, 2011

3rd Doctors Appointment

So today I went for my 3rd appointment.  It was kind of a weird appointment.  I wasn't sure what to expect because not much had changed and I wasn't sure what else we would be going over.  The doctor popped his head in and asked "how are you feeling today?"  I said "feeling great"  "Great! lets go have another ultrasound just for fun!"

So that was my appointment.  I went into the ultrasound room and I got a glimpse of my baby (again).  Its come a long way in the past 4 weeks.  Last time it was just a little blob with a heartbeat.  Today it was sleeping for most of the ultrasound but you could see all the little tiny fingers and the little profile.  He doctor woke it up by pressing on my belly.  The baby was not happy at that.  It kinda looked around confused for a moment.  Kicked its tiny legs and turned over to fall back asleep.  The doctor tried to get it to move more and it waved a little hand at us.  So cute!  Awe I just love this cute little 2 inch baby!

Heart was beating at 166 bpm and the baby measured at 11 weeks 6 days.... so we are back on the old due date of February 1st.  So... I will be 12 weeks tomorrow!  Which means I am closer to the end of my 1st trimester than I thought.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How Awesome is That?!

So... Yesterday I took a big dive and walked into my boss's boss's office.  Mainly to discuss one thing in particular... and the rest just came out along the way.  He approved my pay raise (yay! more money) and then we started talking about other things... and he mentioned that he knew that I was expecting (word travels fast though work I guess).  Well... that lead to the Maternity Leave questions.  Personally, If I had to go back to work at the office I would have taken the 6 weeks of sick leave... and then used probably two weeks of my annual leave.  Thats a lot of hours that I've been trying to build up.

But he gave me another option.  Telecommuting.  (!!!!)  Ok, so I know that not every woman would love this, but I think this is awesome!  I can take a few weeks off to adjust to the baby and from then on I can start doing my work out of my own home from a work supplied computer (and still get to be with my baby).  It probably won't last forever (6 months?)  and  then I'll only be able  telecommute for a few days out of the week (which still isn't bad).

It gets even better, after all that talk he told me that I need to order myself a better chair for work so I can be more comfortable as my belly expands.  So, I now have a big stack of office supply catalogs sitting on my desk at work for me to mull over.  I can't believe how expensive some of these chairs are.

I came home yesterday pretty happy with my situation.  This baby is definitely a big blessing and I sure do love it more than anything.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby Names

So... as most expecting mothers I've been thinking about the names that I would consider naming my baby.  I LOVE traditional names.  My middle name was Elizabeth before I got married but decided to drop it legally and have Bytheway be my middle name.  In exchange I wanted to name my first daughter Elizabeth.
Overall here are some of the names my husband and I have been thinking about:
Elizabeth Pam Musil
Elizabeth Cindy Musil
Elizabeth Rose Musil

I love the name Elizabeth because we can call her many nick names: Liz, Lizzy, Beth, Betty

Some other girl names:

With boy names I don't have a chosen "favorite" so I am playing around with most of them.  I like having Matthew's name in as the middle name because I like having a part of family member's names passed on and who better than the baby's father?

Alexander Matthew Musil
Aiden Matthew Musil
Carson Matthew Musil
Ashton Matthew Musil

Since I think that this baby inside of me is a boy i am thinking that i should get thinking more intently over these boy names.  Tell me what you think what you like, what you don't.