Decisions Decisions... When choosing a doctor the biggest question I came across was to go over the mountain or to stay in town. Here in Price we do have a hospital and ONE Obgyn to choose from. When talking to people at work the response from most was "Its worth the trip over the Mountain." When it came down to it about half the people at work had their kids up in Provo/Payson and half had them down here in Price. Those that did see the doctor down here in Price said they didn't like him very much.
So I looked through a big list of all of the doctor choices from Price to Provo. There was one choice in Price.. Dr. Neilson, and more than a hand full up north. Most of the people in my office used Dr. Ludlow and his office (comprised of 3 ObGyn's). Then I had also heard that Dr. Nance in Springville was really good... and according to my health insurance website he was accepting new patients (even though I had heard the opposite). I had pretty much narrowed it down to those options.
I liked Dr. Ludlow because of the good reviews and the options that his office offered with having 3 doctors and one nurse practitioner there to help with questions in case one was unavailable. I had heard REALLY good reviews with Dr. Nance... but wasn't sure if he was accepting patients. And the convenience of having Dr. Neilson and the hospital only 5 minutes away.
Just as I was about to call Dr. Ludlow's office, a thought crossed my mind and I texted my husband and asked how he felt. He said he would prefer to use a Dr. down here. I agreed with the convenience and then I realized... I'm due in the middle of WINTER. If I did go into labor and had to travel over the mountain at the end of January and there was a big snow storm... I don't want to be laboring while almost sliding off the road near Soldier Summit... Plus with the appointments more frequent during that time I would not be looking forward to traveling through that snow once a week.
So... using my husbands advice and my gut feeling about it all... I went with Dr. Neilson even though his reviews were not so great. However, I am going to have a positive view and hopefully he will prove everyone wrong. If anything... If I don't like him at least he will be familiar with me if I do decide to go over the mountain after all... just in case.
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